SwedCham HK is organizing Experience Sharing Lunches on a monthly basis - where we offer our members a forum for constructive discussions in a high trust environment about current topics.
The concept is simple, no set agenda, just an opportunity to discuss topics and issues impacting business, such as the ongoing pandemic, political situation in Hong Kong and other topics of interest. The meeting will be moderated by SwedCham's Chairman Kristian Odebjer. Kindly note that Chatham House rules apply.
Business Sweden has offered to host the meeting at their office in Wan Chai, which we are very thankful for. Please note that there is a limited number of seats. Contact gustav.ridell@swedcham.com.hk to be signed up on the waiting list, if the event is full. (NOT FULL)
If current government regulations allow, lunch will be served during the meeting. Otherwise, a takeaway option will be provided.
We are offering the possibility to join the meeting via Microsoft Teams. Please send an email to gustav.ridell@swedcham.com.hk if you wish to do so. Kindly stay at home if you have any symptoms of illness or have been in contact with anyone having symptoms of illness in the past 14 days.
Only for ordinary members