One of many ways for SwedCham to support its members during these challenging times is the Experience Sharing meetings.
The coronavirus is still affecting Hong Kong's business climate and is likely to continue to do so in the foreseeable future. The national security law enacted in July is additionally impacting the political landscape of the city, having spillover effects on the business environment.
Swedcham HK is organizing a web meeting via Microsoft teams for our members to discuss and share experiences regarding the recent developments in Hong Kong. The number of participants will be capped at 15 persons and the discussion will be moderated by Kristian Odebjer, Chairman of SwedCham HK. Registrations are now open. Instructions on how to connect to the meeting will be sent out before the event.
Please note that Chatham house rules apply to the meeting, to create a safe environment and spur a fruitful discussion.
The webinar is an ordinary members-only event and will be organized via Microsoft teams.