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Fredrik Härén

Fredrik Härén

Fredrik Haren is an author and global keynote speaker on Business
Creativity, Change and Global Business. He talks on creativity,
innovation and idea generation – and on how to develop a global
mindset and build a truly global company.
Fredrik has delivered 2,000 presentations in over 65 different
countries on 6 continents. His speeches help the audience
understand how valuable it is to think in new ways – and how
difficult this is to achieve.
He is a truly global speaker, with examples from all over the world -
suitable for your global (or international) conference. Fredrik was
invited to speak in 24 different countries last year alone, and
has been based in Asia since 2005.
Satisfied customers include UBS, IKEA, KPMG, Global Leadership
Summit, China Mobile, Ogilvy, American Express and hundreds more.
Fredrik was voted Speaker of The Year in Sweden and selected as
one of the "The Best Swedish Speakers Ever". He is a CSP (Certified
Speaking Professional - one of 700 globally) as well as Global
Speaking Fellow (one of only 30 globally).
He is the author of 10 books, including "The Idea Book" which was
included in "The 100 Best Business Books of All Time”.
Increase the speed of change in your organization.
In a world of rapid change, it has never been more important to be
able to change quickly. Fredrik Haren has more than 20 years
experience of inspiring change to audiences from all over the
world, and from virtually all industries.